Work is in progress!

First off, a belated Happy New Year to everyone! I hope that 2024 is treating you well. Secondly, apologies for not providing an update for so long. It’s been almost six months since The Sex Club Book 3 came out, and I haven’t had much in the way of news in the time since. I have been ridiculously busy with other stuff / the day job / real life! I’ve also been trying to figure out what to do about social media going forward. Twitter isn’t anything like the place it was a few years ago – most of the people I used to get on with there have either left or are no longer active on it, and although there are still plenty of erotica authors there, the whole vibe of the place has changed. But not posting makes it harder to provide drip-feed updates on how the writing is going, so if I knew where to go instead, I’d probably look at switching over (so if you know where I should be, let me know!)

Anyway, onto the reason for the update. I’ve been writing! Not enough that I can say when the new book will be out yet, but enough to say that there definitely will be one, and that as I’m over halfway through it (more-or-less) it’ll be sooner rather than later. It’s going to be “The Sex Club Book 4: Deeper”, and after the previous instalment didn’t actually go to LagneĆ­a, I’m making up for it this time! It is going to be hot, trust me on that. Think back to the previous visit to the club in Book 2, and then magnify it by about 1000. That hot.

I’ll put up another update when I’m on the brink of being done, and I will of course announce it’s publication here too. In the meantime, take care, and I’ll be back soon!

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